You’ve heard the expression: Put your heart into it! Corny? Perhaps. Real? For sure. Once you get over being self-conscious, you are free to pursue things passionately – that’s the heart of the issue. You pursue because it satisfies you deeply – the act of engaging this thing is super personal. Logic is not part of this. Nope. Pure lust, joy, happiness, release, focus – a part of you. Your heart? If you’re very lucky you can lead with your heart all the time – few of us choose this path because it’s fought with peril. We can choose where to lead with our hearts – in the case of growing beautiful Cannabis, it’s an act of intense love. TriChome Ranch luuuuuvvvs weed. Period, end of story. There is no business plan, just a pursuit of a life of freedom. It’s a love story with plenty of struggle – what good love story doesn’t have struggle? But at the root of it, we just love smoking the best weed we can cultivate. It’s no different than being an oeniphile or an audiophile – sure those two might be a tad pretentious, but what connoisseur isn’t a tad pretentious? When I drink wine, I want to drink it with a connoisseur and enjoy by association and direct imbibment, their love, their journey, their effort. You can do the very same thing when you enjoy TriChome Ranch Cannabis. Be a snob! Smoke great weed! Life is too short to smoke schwag (unless that’s all you got – no shade, sometimes you just have to make do!). When you have the luxury of choice, but not the luxury of time, we can provide all the experience for free. Enjoy the fruits of our love. Everyday.